I can't believe my last post was a month ago. That's ridiculous. I'm going to lose the two followers I have!
And yet, you'll have to wait a bit longer.
This new house is really taking up our time. Little things like caulking, minor repairs, putting up shelves, organizing, cleaning, laundry, sleeping....there's just not enough time for everything!
I'm also postponing my Unique Munich Part 2 because after that, I'm really not sure what to write about. We did, however, book plane tickets to New Brunswick in July. We are finally able to go when the weather is nice and hot. Also, we're going to see Anne and Gilbert in Charlottetown. I am so freakin' excited to see the sequel to the Anne of Green Gables musical that I think I will have to invest in a red wig with braids. Maybe.
Therefore, I apologize for going AWOL lately...you work, work, work during the week, are so exhausted when you get home. Friday comes around and you are so freakin' excited that the weekend is here that you stay up late. Then your clock is off for the entire weekend, you fill it with little chores and before you know it, the work week starts again. I make it sound like we don't have much of a life, but to be honest, I love spending time with J and no matter what we're doing, I'm having a good time.
So to summarize, you'll just have to wait a bit longer. In the meantime, I'd love to take suggestions for weekend getaways (around Ottawa). Okayyyyyy, go!