Where to visit next?

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy Birthday, Darling!

J's birthday was this weekend and he got some great gifts!

1. Ellie started her 3 week growth spurt on Thursday night and it lasted a few days.....oh the horror....the horror....

1a. giving us 45 minutes here and there to sleep throughout the whole night, definitely not enough for a REM cycle!

1b. feeding for 3 hours at a time, just switching from side to side. Ouch.

2. Ellie decided to use J's hand as a diaper and lovingly gave him a pee AND a poop.

However, there have been another milestone like the cooing noises! When she's alert (and fed and her diaper has been changed), we put her on the Baby Einstein and she makes such cute little noises like 'goo!' or 'gaa!' or 'blah!'....and she's never upset, she's just verbalizing. It's awesome to hear.

So along with the her sleep deprivation torture techniques, there are many other things that make up for it. Unfortunately, J's birthday was right in the middle of one torturous time, but the next moment she was making eye contact with him and yelling 'a goo!', so that obviously meant "I'm sorry that I'm not letting you get any sleep, and I'm sorry I keep pooping in your hands, but I really do love you and appreciate all the hard work that is going into keeping me happy".

Happy Birthday, J!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Elizabeth Niles...giving us smiles.

Here is the new addition to the family!

Elizabeth Katherine Niles: Born 6:34 am on November 8th, 2011. She weighed in a 8 lbs and 8 oz and measured 20.5 inches. She so adorable we could stare at her for hours!!!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Still with child.

Had a doctor's appointment yesterday....on the drive there I realized that I hadn't been out of the house (other than the odd limp to the mailbox) in a week. Crazy. I had one of those moments from The Simpsons when the children discover the outdoors again and they are all rubbing their eyes thinking "what is this place??"

We are on day 5 of being overdue.

Routine non-stress test today and Monday/Tuesday we shall have her out at the latest....unless I go into labour all by myself. Come oooon, self-started labour.

J says she must be just like him and is just too lazy to come out!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Let's DO this, already.

I'm officially overdue. Only by about 1-2 days, but overdue nonetheless. You spend all your time thinking about the 'd-day' that the doctors give you, but the little one has its own agenda. I will think of it this way: I must have created such a comfortable, enjoyable environment in there that she just doesn't feel like coming out. I mean, it's cold these days, fall is here and winter is around the corner. Wouldn't YOU want to stay in your nice little temperature-controlled studio apartment?

So for all of you looking for an update, this is it. Nada. Zilch. Bupkis. And maybe once I publish this post I will instantly go into labour.....but probably not.