On top of those causes, we also donate to the Ottawa Humane Society, various races that we or friends may be participating in, and people who come fundraising door to door. I also donate old clothing when Cerebral Palsy and Diabetes call for it. We do what we can!
Last year, on April 26, 2011, my grandfather, Josef, passed away. He was a long-time sufferer of Parkinson's Disease and left us at the ripe old age of 88. I wish I could have spent more time with him....our relationship grew from my grandparents visits to Canada or when I would visit the Czech Republic. With the cost of airfare, one can only guess how often I really got to see him. I would translate his eulogy for you, but I don't have the heart to do it. As my first loss as an adult, it hit me hard. But enough of my dwelling on the past. He was a feisty one with lots of great sayings like "Your feet smell because they grow from your a$$". He was great at drawing horses, and he was amazing at the violin. I miss you, grandpa!!
Being on Maternity leave, I haven't had much time to devote to my wavy/frizzy/thick hair. It grew and grew and was halfway down my back. I kept tying it back because Little Miss Grabby McGrabberson couldn't keep her hands off of it! Ouch! So, when I finally got the chance to cut it, I decided to donate the hair to the Cancer Foundation so that I could help with the making of a wig for a woman who has lost her hair to cancer. I donated through the Pantene Beautiful Lengths program because I had 8 inches and that's their minimum. I know Parkinson's and Cancer are two totally unrelated diseases, but it felt good to donate something other than money. Hair is a sort of renewable resource, so I'll probably grow it again and make another donation in a couple of years. Maybe at my next Maternity leave??