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Thursday, October 25, 2012

There's not enough time in a day!!!!

Sorry, folks! There really aren't enough hours in a day!!!
I can't seem to finish my posts from our vacation, so I will end that string by saying it was a great vacay with the family. We all relaxed a bit and enjoyed the fact that there were many hands to play 'pass the peanut'.

A couple of weeks ago, our friends from Germany came to visit. What a fun playdate! E was having a lot of teething problems and was up at night a lot, but she's a trooper and still had fun showing J around the house.
After that, J's family came to visit and Pepere made the most awesome tickle trunk for Elizabeth. She loves it!!!!! 

 Elizabeth has really gotten into books. She'll actually sit still for a bit and look through the pages rather than nibbling the corners. She loves to turn pages to see what's on the next page!

Elizabeth is officially walking-assisted! A walker was found at Costco and boy does it ever do the job. She holds on and goes....in a straight line. She has yet to learn how to turn corners.

Elizabeth also started daycare a few weeks ago as I recently went back to work. A few months ago I really wasn't ready to head back into the real world, but the closer it got, the more ready I was to have my own life back. I love Elizabeth to bits, but being at home all the time was hard for me. I hate the fact that I now only have about 3 hours a day to spend with her and that most of that time is spent running around getting food ready and getting people dressed. However, it sure makes me appreciate the weekends even more. We've made it a point to start doing family things on the weekends. This weekend? Buy our first pumpkin!