Well, I have been thrown off the seat off my chair (re: ending of last post). What a week!!
In the last two weeks she has gotten not only one, but TWO teeth. I'm sure the top incisors aren't far behind as her cheeks and nose were bright red all day....unless she somehow got into the melon flavoured vodka last night, haha.
She finally started to roll over. A couple of days ago she was like 90% of the way there, but would always go back on her back. Now, in the blink of an eye, she rolls over onto her stomach. In the wee hours of the morning (last night it was 4:44am on the dot) she rolls over, then gets extremely frustrated that she can't roll back. However, as I write this, she is 45 minutes into her nighttime sleep, she's rolled over and she eventually fell asleep on her stomach. I had rolled her back on her back but she immediately rolled over again!
Her mega diaper rash is finally going away thanks to some prescription cream. The diaper rash is a result of the teething.
Today we gave her Gripe Water for the first time. What is Gripe Water? It's a liquid containing sodium bicarbonate as well as other natural ingredients like dill. It helps with sour stomach due to teething. Babies swallow a lot of drool when they are teething and this can alter the pH of the stomach contents. It seemed to help her get more comfortable as she was obviously in a lot of tummy pain today.
On top of all these things, she got her second round of shots this week and is super cranky.
But at least we get all this out of the way, right? Then it'll be smooth sailing for now on??? Right??? haahahhahahhahahahha