Where to visit next?

Monday, March 19, 2012


Ellie slept, for the first time ever, all night. That's right. 11.5 hours. 7:00 pm to about 6:40 am. No middle of the night feed. No crying from her teething or mega diaper rash. On the other hand, it was my night and at 1 am...and 2 am...and 3 am...I was looking at the video monitor thinking "Hello?? What's going on??? Something must be wrong if she hasn't woken up yet...". So I didn't get as much sleep as I could have, but that's entirely my problem, not hers!! J turned to me at 4:30 am and says "have you fed her yet?" and I said "NO! I'm lying here going crazy cuz it's weird that that she hasn't woken up yet..." and then I started babbling and he obviously wanted to go back to sleep. I finally fell back to sleep around 5 for an hour before J's alarm went off at 6.

I will be blown away by this all week, I'm sure....and today she gets her second round of shots, so we probably won't see this again for a while. But still, I'm so...I don't know...PROUD of her!!!

There are way too many factors to know how to recreate this blissful night: we ran a fan in her room all night because of the recent heat. She was only in her diaper and a t-shirt under her swaddle, she started sleeping on her side a few days ago and spent most of the night that way (and also rolled over the other day, so now we'll be on to the swaddle-weaning!), she had bad naps all day and must have been exhausted, she got a lot of fresh air yesterday with the gorgeous weather...the list goes on. Either way, now I know that sleeping through the night is at least possible!!!

So along with the rolling over (which I'm not really sure if it was conciously done or if she just used gravity when she was on her side) and starting to sit with only a little bit of help,

she's cut her first tooth. All that drooling and hand-chomping proved me right!

Everyone was telling me it was too early for her to be teething and when I felt the sharp top of that first tooth, I called J at work and left him a message in my "really high-pitched excited voice" (my high school friends out there have all heard this voice!). Jeez, he must think I'm crazy...

It's been a wonderful past few weeks....I'm on the edge of my seat wondering what's going to happen next!

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