Where to visit next?

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Closing day, kitchen island dinner, and frost bite warning

I said I wouldn't post until we moved, but I'm just too excited! My trip to Montreal ended early and I was able to catch a train back to Ottawa a full 8 hours earlier. J still had to go get the keys from our lawyer downtown...during rush hour...but I was here when he got back.

J had filled the car with boxes of dishes and the trunk was already full of Christmas decorations we had bought on boxing day at 70% off, and a few shovels for our new driveway (!!!). We dropped off these things by opening the garage (with the garage door opener button thing!!!) and taking things in through the garage door. I don't know about you, but we are freakin' excited to have a garage! No more scraping the car in the morning, no more taking bicycles up and down stairs, no more storing tires on a balcony. We. Have. A. Garage. And we hereforth pledge to "not be one of those families that has a double garage and has it so full of junk that we can't even park the cars in it".

We also took a few minutes to take a reading of the hydro meter and the water meter, upon our lawyer's advice. Later, if there are issues with the bill, you have an initial reading. Then we spent about 15 minutes going through the house to see if there were any gouges that we didn't see before, or garbage that needed cleaning up. The place was as we remembered, but will be needing a coat of paint throughout. Minor details. The bones are good, as our real estate agent says...

We went back to the condo and picked up more breakables that aren't really truck-friendly. Fine china (or, as my mom calls it, 'Best china'....however, it is really 'Only china' and thus the box was labelled 'Best and only fine china'), camping gear, hockey equipment and our golf sets. Then, dinner. We stopped at Arby's and picked up our food, laughing while I told J about this thing I heard on the radio where a guy pretends to be Elmo and orders food from Taco Bell (youtube it, it's hilarious).

We drove to the house (it's exactly 5km away from the condo) and took our dinner inside. When we bought the condo, we ate while sitting on the kitchen/living room floor. This time, we stood at the island. We ate our roast beef sandwiches (did you know Arby's is in trouble? Wendy's may sell the chain to someone else because it isn't making enough money. I blame my friend C who loves Arby's, but now lives in Germany and is unable to support them by buying sandwiches).

After dinner, we took in the things from the car and again, spent about 10 minutes going through the house....but this time we were just admiring. Back to the condo again and we filled the car with pictures from our walls, my keyboard, and one final box of glasses. Quick trip to the house and it was unpacked from the car.

Today, we will be doing more trips and Rogers is showing up to set up cable, internet and phone. At least, let's hope they show up. I may also call a locksmith to rekey our locks.

Tomorrow is the big move and we have 7 big strong men to help us out. There is a frost-bite warning for tomorrow, so at least we'll all be moving to keep ourselves warm. I bought those hand warmers for people's pockets, and we will be buying some apple cider to heat up on the stove.....and of course, pizza and beer! I wonder how it will be to drive a 24' truck. The 16' wasn't too bad....

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