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Friday, August 10, 2012

Elizabeth's First Vacation

It's hard being a baby. It's tiring. You're crawling places, using every muscle in your body. Your brain just won't stop learning. Everyone's trying to teach you something. Phew! I'm exhausted just thinking about it! Therefore, we decided to take Elizabeth on a vacation......and Memere and Pepere and Matante deserved a visit from the little one after not seeing her since Christmas.

We were hemming and hawing between driving there (and taking 2 days to do it so that she wasn't in a cramped carseat for 12 hours straight) and flying. Luckily, Porter had a 50% off sale and we got some great prices. It was settled, we would fly.

J and I were expecting the worst: that she would cry uncontrollably the whole way there. Well, Elizabeth threw us for a complete loop (and we should have known better because she's such a curious little gal) and was a total joy to have on the airplane. She made every around her smile and make silly faces at her. She kept herself busy and definitely took my mind off my fear of flying. Two thumbs up for airtravel.

One of the first things we did (and honestly, we didn't do much on the vacation) was take her to see the ocean. J's parents live close enough to the coast that you can see the water from their house, and you can even see Price Edward Island on a clear day. It's not a sandy coast, but a rocky one, so she didn't get to dip her toes in the water. However, she saw how much water there was.

We took rue Niles to get there (yep, a street names after J's family).

When she saw the water and heard the waves crashing, she smiled. We have a sound machine that we use when she sleeps and maybe it reminded her of that, but we'll just assume that she loved the view.

This was the view. Isn't it lovely? Sigh.

What a big bath tub! That's the pier on the right.

Family photo!

Vacation must 1: See the ocean.



  1. Yay! Ellie looks so happy. Glad it all went well - I am always curious about how babies will deal with the pressurized air in planes...

    (Is that road really named after J's fam?)

    -Krystle K.

  2. So great to hear the vacay was a success! My friend took her baby on a plane once and gave him cheerios to help ease the pressure. instead of eating them he put them in his ears. haha. I hope my train trip to visit you in September goes just as well!!!
