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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Elizabeth's First Vacation: Fun Times Inside and Out

During our vacation, we didn't do much. We didn't go to PEI like I thought we would, we didn't go to the Moncton Zoo, and J and I didn't go see a movie. What we did do is just relax and hang out with family. J and I DID go out a few times after Elizabeth had gone to bed.....AND we went out to get ice cream while she was awake, leaving the Matantes in charge (complete with a full poopy diaper change!). You see, we are making progress.

Inside, the Olympics were playing on TV and Elizabeth loved looking at the commercials. Her favourite? RBC commercials with that little cartoon man. She'd laugh almost every time.

She also loved playing in the laundry basket, with her own remote that Pepere gave her, and speed crawling to the kitchen to see what huge things the grandparents brought back from Costco.

Elizabeth loved playing with the music table that we borrowed from J's cousins.

She was just learning to pull herself up and loved playing at the coffee table.

We also borrowed a little dino-scooter. Although she didn't know how to ride around on it, she loved being pushed by daddy.

Outside, we'd set up the sunshade and play when she got tired of the inside. Elizabeth also loved going on daily tours of the property, with stops such as "Pepere's Garden" and "Front-Porch Niles Household Viewing".

 Vacation Must #2: Relax. Check.

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