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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Helen Niles....not travelling many miles at all.

That dull back ache turned into sciatica in my right side. If I had some sort of walking stick, I'd be using it daily as I can't put much weight on my right leg. Also, my hips have decided to flee my body, or at least that's what it feels like. These last two weeks have been the hardest out of the last 9-ish months (I know, I know, what's next will be harder...), but I still have to consider myself lucky. Pregnancy (and Life for that matter) is full of ups and downs, and if you can't deal with them, then you'll never get through it.....so dealing with them, it is.

Because of the pain, I haven't been getting around much. I go up the stairs (slowly and limpingly) to put in a load of laundry, or I walk around the street corner (slowly and limpingly) to get the mail. Otherwise, I've been sitting on the couch or at the kitchen table watching movies and checking Facebook wayyyyy too much. I watched the Lord of the Rings trilogy, then He's Just Not That Into You, then an hour of Sense & Sensibility (which I normally love, but deemed too slow for my current state of mind), and then My Best Friend's Wedding. Along with cooking dinners for J, napping and tidying up the odd room, that was how I spent my week. Oddly enough, I thought it would be harder to get used to being away from work, but nope! Turns out it's not that hard at all!!!

This is the calm before the storm. I'm due on Monday. Shall we start taking bets as to when she'll arrive?

1 comment:

  1. You're so close!!! I'm guessing the more your hips feel like they're separating, the easier it is to push baby out?? Is that how it works? Well, that's how is *should* work. pop in the new P&P. It's really my favourite rendition of an Austen film. even if it's with Kiera knightly. maybe it's the fantastic music? Great work toughing it out!!! only a few more days to go (hopefully)!!!
