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Saturday, October 1, 2011

Ready, set, GO!

I'm 36 weeks along on Monday...and this is when you are supposed to pack your hospital bag.
I mean, I can pack it whenever I feel like it, but J and I are both planners and I think the thing to do to ease some of our anxiety is to actually pack the thing. We'll be more ready for when the day comes, and it's another thing to check off "THE ULTIMATE LIST".

You can find packing lists everywhere. I have 5 pregnancy books that I bought off Kijiji back in March and they each have a list. The book that we got at the prenatal class that we took a few weekends ago has a list. The internet has lists up to the wah-zoo (still not quite sure what the wah-zoo is, but let's let everyone make their own conclusion).

I've bought the suggesting clothing (fyi - apparently nightgowns are better than regular PJs....easy access and all that), we have the baby outfit (although we're still teeter-tottering on this cute little Hallowe'en themed onesie at Babies R Us), we have the car seat installed and had it inspected.....and then there are the things on the packing lists that I find a bit funny:

For me:
-breath spray (I really don't think I'll be worrying about my breath at that point in my life)

For J:
-a paint roller for giving a low-back massage (unfortunately all our paint rollers are covered in...well....paint).
-Cornstarch, also for massaging....however, this one could come in handy when I get hungry after giving birth and I get a craving for a coconut cream pie.

Another item on "THE ULTIMATE LIST" is doing a dry run to the hospital. We both know where the hospital is, but as I do most of the driving (I drive to work and J takes the bus or his bike), J likes to do his research ahead of time so that he's more comfortable with the route. Totally cool with me, as I would hate to have to pull over on the way there, switch seats, and drive my hyperventilating husband to the hospital while I'm timing my own contractions. Also, as it's now the Fall, the city likes to start all sorts of construction projects and it would be nice not to have a surprise road-closure on the big day!

Of course, as J's coworkers suggested, it wouldn't be a true dry run without me yelling at him to "GO GO GO!!!" or that "IT HURTS!!!" while screaming like a banshee (also not sure what a banshee is....).


  1. Ha ha ha. My name is Jon, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading this post. "YOU DID THIS TO MEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

  2. Seriously? corn starch for massaging?

    So excited! The date is getting close!!! (and if you do end up delivering on Oct 31st you HAVE to use a halloween costume.)
