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Monday, January 23, 2012

Barfing Betty

Elizabeth always spit up a lot. Babies just do that....it's more of a laundry problem than anything else (unless it's Gastro Reflux, but only your doc can tell you whether they have that or not...).

The last two weeks, I noticed that Elizabeth wasn't feeding very well. She'd finish in about 10 minutes instead of the usual 20-30 minutes, and she'd be spitting up shortly after. Not regular spit ups either, like completely curdled and a lot more than usual. In fact, it really was becoming a laundry problem because we were running out of facecloths!!

Over the weekend, I really started getting worried because she wasn't napping well either. I think she was waking up hungry halfway through her naps and eventually she was just a cranky mess because she was tired, hungry, and her mouth must have had a bad taste in it from all the spit up.

And off to Google I went, typing in "Common Causes of Baby Reflux". Two common culprits? Chocolate and Garlic. We didn't have that much chocolate in the house, at least nothing that I'd eaten constantly for 2 weeks. But J did buy those Pita Chips at Costco the last few weeks and I'd been having some (probably too much) for the past two weeks. Well, I didn't have any yesterday and Elizabeth is a much happier camper today! She fed for 20 minutes and didn't spit up once!!!! AND, she's enjoying a nice luxurious morning nap.

I have to say that she was still pretty chipper over the last two weeks, giving us a few smiles before spitting up all over her clothes.

The pink shirt? Completely ruined just after that photo was taken!

So, lesson from this post is not to freak out that your kid has some sort of reflux disease if she's normally been ok. What mom eats could affect the baby, so pay attention. If there's something you've introduced recently and she started acting this way recently, try cutting it out. See what happens. It's like one giant science experiment....which is great because I'm a chemist!!!

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